Thursday, May 17, 2012

Money, Society and the Government

1) What social, political, and economic events (internal & external) shaped the activities of the government?
2) How did the governments address problems within the state itself? Show evidence.

THESIS: Most of the events that shaped the provisional government's activities came from the unstable establishment of independence for Israel, they solve their problems working with resources they own. 

        After Israel was allowed to stand on its' own, a Provisional government was assigned to take care of problems that was occurring or may occur within the nation. Now these are some events that led the government to their activities

  SOCIAL: The most obvious situation would be the division of Israel and Palestine. Once ownership of Israel was announced, problems between Israeli and Palestinian started. Because they simply just cannot live together peacefully, Palestinians whom coincidentally live in the area are not so lucky. Provisional government kicked them out of their houses and they became internal refugees. 

POLITICALIt started since the declaration of independence in Israel and it continues until now. In 1948, the provisional government had to make sure the state stays strong and undefeated since they have no desire of becoming a colony again. This also led to the Arab-Israeli war, when Palestinian Arabs immediately attacked Israel, on the next day of their establishment. As a respond, Israel fought back on full strength. Using their air forces, they destroyed almost all of the Palestinians airplanes. 

ECONOMIC: The economic condition for a new state such as Israel was good for a small while, until the huge growth of Jewish migration from around into Israel. Most immigrants tagged along many children and they are totally dependent on the state for shelter, jobs, food and more. Israel had little natural resources and attracted little foreign investments. With this kind of situation, Israel got low interest loans to help when import needs and the reparation agreement provisional government signed with west Germany also provided Israel's economy with foreign money. 

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