Wednesday, May 16, 2012


1) How did the government emerge and what conditions led to its implementation?

THESIS: The provisional government was created due to the lack of any official government and protection from neighboring countries constantly launching attacks on the newly declared State of Israel.

Have you ever wondered about how the State of Israel came about as an independent nation? Well the story of struggle starts even before 1948, I would now trace the steps back to the time after World War 1. Right after World War 1, the British issued the Balfour Declaration claiming to be helping the Palestine to become a national home for Jewish people who were exiled. They established the British Mandate and ruled over Palestine. 

That was not it, the people living in Palestine itself unfortunately was not able to live together cooperatively due to the problem of land division. The Jewish people called Palestine, Israel. They are religiously connected to their home land and claimed that God gave it to them. Whereas, the Arabs and Palestinians also believe that the land was theirs. Because the British Mandate provides that it support the Jewish immigration, more and more Jews migrated back into Palestine both legally and illegally which increase the number of population in Palestine. However, the Arabs opposed the idea of Jewish immigration and started to attack the Jews. The British recommended partition of the country and once again the Jewish people agreed while Arabs rejected.

Another factor that led Israel to what it is today, one very tragic event World War II and the Holocaust. Now you may wonder about their contribution that affected Jewish people other than the slaughtering that happened, because on the brighter side it gave Theodore Herzl the determination to start his movement of Zionism. 

Zionism is basically the movement for the return of Jewish population to return to the Holy Land or Israel (which since the time of World War I, the number of Jewish immigrations still climbed). Herzl had came to a realization that Jewish will only be oppressed if nothing is done. After the Holocaust faded away, the British decided to leave Palestine and turned their issue over to the United Nation and terminated the British Mandate.

After consideration the United Nation recognized the state of Jewish people being able to stand alone and on May 14, 1948 declare independence to the State of Israel and partition from Palestine. Sadly, the Arabs in Palestine immediately launched attack on the newly declared state but Israel stood strong and coped with the challenges. The conflict between Arabs and Israel continues with more raiding and wars after wards. As for the government in Israel, Provisional Government started to take over the state temporarily until the official set of government gets elected.

                Basically, the Provisional government was formed to deal with the governing situation in Israel at that moment under the leadership of David Ben-Gurion


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