Thursday, May 17, 2012

How effective was the Provisional Government?

QUESTION: Judge the effectiveness of this particular government in regard to its actions and agendas.

THESIS: Once Israel became independent they handled immediate attacks from Palestine victoriously, and they end up leaving 20,000 Palestinians who lived in their area internal refugees. 

Regarding things that happened after the declaration of the independence of Israel, I would conclude that the effectiveness of the Provisional Government was high. On May 14, 1948, being a newly independent state it was unfortunate. One day after the declaration the Palestinian Arabs immediately attacked Israel. Arab armies along with Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan all aimed to destroy the new nation. In the early 1949, Israel was able to defeat the armies and took over half of the land assigned originally for the Arab state. This fighting is also known as the Arab-Israeli War, it started in 1948 and lasted until 1949.

The good thing was, Israel wanted to sign a peace treaty among the countries to stop conflicts and wars, Arabs rejected to accept the existence of Israel even though other countries did not object. In the end no formal treaties were signed.

AND THAT WAS EVEN BEFORE THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT!! Meaning that even though the Provisional Government was quite new it was certainly not vulnerable. 

War continued after, Palestinian Arabs once again raided Israel and in return Israel raided back. Egypt blocked Israel from the Suez Canal, so Israel invaded Egypt.

The attacks grew until the UnitedNations had to send in peacekeeping force to stop the never ending conflict.

BUT that is still not the end, after a few years the UN removed their forces. Once the peacekeeping force went Egypt blocked the Strait of Tiran to prevent Israeli ships to pass. In a response, Israel launched an air force strike and in only one day, Arabs’ air forces were almost completely destroyed. This was also known as the Six DayWar.

All of these examples have shown just how strong and stable the State of Israel is.
***This may defeat the purpose of studying the Provisional government of 1948, but then I believe that since the Provisional government itself was effective, it led to an even more strong official government. One factor was probably from the involvement of Weizmann as well, since he helped operate in birth the Provisional and official government of Israel. 

I have only been writing about how Jewish people and the nation of Israel have faced so many hardships, without mentioning negative effects they've created on others. That would make my blogs incredibly biased so here we go.

The birth of State of Israel created a land where Jewish people could migrate to after having been exiled for such a long period of time. As we all know, Israel is made from the division of Palestine, meaning that Palestinian live scattered all around many areas, there were also some that lived in a now-Israeli-nation. Once Israel was established, the Provisional government immediately kicked all Palestinians out of their land. 

They even used Palestinian land, possessions and dwelling on their increasing amount of Jewish population. They expelled Palestinians from their homes and replaced 150,000 Jews, they gave houses with of good conditions to government officials. 

To my surprise, they still didn't stop there. 

The provisional government even seized houses from inside the armistice line. People there became internal refugees, trying to find places to stay. Because of this act, the Provisional government left 20,000 Palestinians internal refugee. 

From that we can basically say that Israel are both bullied and a bully themselves.

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