Friday, November 11, 2011



Have you ever thought about migration? Like really THINK about it, I did that yesterday and came to a realization that people who migrate have reasons. Some of those would be, what is the point of moving? What is so great about that new place? What impact, both long term and short term would they have to face migrating to somewhere else? And many more. Myriad of migrations started long time ago and one specific group that jumped out is the migration of Vikings. As you all may know, Vikings are those strong hardcore people who sail around out in the sea of Europe. They also raid harbor, bay, small towns and cities stealing their goods. These groups of explorers decided to migrate from where they were (scattered around Scandinavia), mostly to Iceland and some to Greenland and later on England and Ireland. Did they migrate out of no reason? Not exactly, this is where the push/pull factor comes into action. The push factor or what caused the Vikings to migrate from their homeland to Iceland and Greenland is still inconclusive but one I thought was very convincing. Historian thinks that the reason was because the population of the Vikings increased so much so quickly that it outgrew the agricultural potential and natural resources of their land. This means that the resources of their land cannot support the overwhelming number of the citizen, therefore expanding oversea to other rich and fertile land wasn’t such a bad idea. Not only they get more territory to themselves they also obtain enough resources for their clans. The pull factor that pulled the Vikings into Iceland and Greenland was because, these two countries have similar climate and landscape to the Scandinavian region. With comparable temperature and weather, the land is relatively rich which is good for farming. One last motive was that Iceland was an easy target for raid and colonization which enables the Viking to live in peace without any major comeback. Impacts Vikings has been on Europe. They were the one who discovered the new world (i.e.; Newfoundland, Greenland) and established many trading posts. With great navigational techniques, strategies and strong ship structure the Vikings educate their colonies enabling them far numerous safe voyages that they have never imagines before possible. Because of the raiding they do at their neighbors, they explore new and more distant land. Vikings also impact Iceland and Greenland with their tradition and culture they exhibit. In my opinion I think these impacts are great for the European countries because mostly they provide the countries with knowledge that is useful for their survival (at the time) such as navigational techniques. The Viking’s migration history is an interesting one since they established motivating impacts; they have easily understandable reasons along with push and pull factors. Personally, I wish I was one of the Vikings since it would definitely be nice to know the real reason of what made the Vikings migrate from their mother land to Iceland and Greenland.

ps. There are many branches of Vikings that traveled to different places (mostly in Europe). The one I talked about were ones who migrated to iceland and Greenland :D

These links are quite interesting and NOT BORING :D plus you can know alot more about VIKINGSSSSSSS.

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