Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flood flooood floooood and MORE flood

          Thailand has been suffering through the biggest flooding of 2011 since 1995 so far, for the past couple of months. Unlike other occasions of flooding our people have experienced this is by far, the most disastrous and is affecting most parts of the country. Because the flooding is hitting the capital city 'Bangkok', it has raised chaos within the community. Many effects are mainly on the population. Bangkok is basically the heart of most developed in technology and civilization; therefore water will do enormous damage to home, stores, factories and people. First of all, people with their house flooded are either trapped inside their house with limited source of food and water or are away and unable to get inside their house, lose most of their valuable and are homeless. This causes many problems because in the case of getting trapped inside, people starve to death, may get sick and cannot be provided with medical help and restrained from doing their jobs. Farmers are especially threatened economically; since about 300,000 hectares of rice fields are destroyed by water overload, rice paddies may be able to recover quickly but the time of inconvenience have costs farmer fortune. Those that were forced to evacuate need to find temporary homes, this is easy for wealthy people since they can just rent a condo or find a hotel but for those that have limited amount of money are not as fortunate. People are seen camping by bridges, on their cars or even by the road. 400 or more factories are all victims of the flood, machines that costs millions of baht sunk helplessly under water. Since factories of all kinds are unable to operate (for example: Hachi Ban and Honda). Other problems that people got are the spreading of diseases. Having limited clean water to survive on and toilet cannot be used, people tends to release their waste into the water. As polluted as the water currently is (with trash and left over wastes all the way from Chiang Mai to Ayutthaya, Nakorn Sawun and so on),being in contact with contaminated water, people become more vulnerable in terms of health because water has become a transportation to many diseases (video). At least two people have already been reported died from leptospirosis or an infection that spreads through rat urine, many people have also suffered Athlete’s foot from wading through unclean water bare footed. 

Factories that produce goods are devoured by the water got destroyed, stopping the production (costing even more damage to the factories' owner) and also causing consumer’s problem of goods scarcity. Many people unfortunately die of many causes such as drowning, electrical shock, no food or water, diseases and many more, the death rate has gone up to over 600 people! This situation has been causing many problems throughout the country and it is sadly still continuing. But, so many people have been donating food, water, open free stadiums for evacuation and volunteer to help victims of the flood. 

Despite all the downsides, this disaster have been proving evidence to the whole world that our nation is united, strong, caring to one another. I has also taught every Thais a lesson that, even though we so many statuses in society but when it comes to helping we ignore the differences. I believe that together we will be able to 
move on to a brighter days of tomorrow with the same smile we are known for.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


10) Sterilization and vasectomies are widely performed operations in India, to decrease the number of population.
9) The whole world will reach its' replacement fertility by 2030, but that is a long way ahead since babies today will grow and bear children of their own therefore increasing the number of population.
8) Women who are educated start having babies later than those who aren't, especially in India where people have children when very young and number of children indicates their social statuses. 
7) When fertility had fallen close to replacement number, the rate of birth since the older times sky rocket, we call this Baby Boomer! People assume that the cause of this was women's instinct to have enough babies for the survival of species.
6) Number of birth before and now (even though the number had decreased) will not balance out the world's population, since it would take generations for the fewer productions to take effect on the number of people.
5) Advancement of medicine (such as vaccination, cure to diseases, antibiotic) and sanitation doubles the expectancy of life in many countries. People found cures to diseases and are basically saved from dying. 

4) People must make use of their resources carefully and not over whelming to save the people from environmental challenges. For example finding alternatives source of energy.
3) People's ways of consuming resources is the actual impact that takes place on the population, not the number of people. 
2) People are growing exponentially, faster than the growth of food supply. (Thomas Malthus)
1) The number of population and the conditions of civilization will depend on choices individuals make throughout their lives.